Upcoming: 5-9 May 2025: Retreat Meeting in Talheim
17 March 2025: DPG2025 and PI meeting in Regensburg
During the DPG2025 Spring Meeting in Regensburg we presented aus recent results in 30 contributions (posters and talks). Besides, we also had a PI meeting and were visiting the labs from Isabella Gierz.13 January 2025: PI meeting online
16 December 2024: PI meeting online: detailed discussion about the new topics for teh second period of funding
21/22 November 2024: PI meeting TU Chemnitz: recent progress and strategy discussions for the next period of funding
Internatinoal SPALEED Workshop 9-11 October 2024, TU Chemnitz. Recent advances and results in the field of diffraction on surfaces, nanostructures and quantum materials were discussed by around 50 national and international colleagues. Details can be found on
20 September 2024: PI meeting (online).
6-7 June 2024, PI meeting, PTB Braunschweig
Second workshop with all memebers from our Research Unit at the PTB Braunschweig, where we also hat the possiblity to visit the atomic clock and quantum Hall standard resistance labs.Our Research Unit is organizing a Focus Session on the next DPG Spring meeting in Berlin (17-22 March 2024) . The scientific program is now online for Thusday, 21 March 2024 3pm-6pm and Friday, 22 March 2024 10:30am-1pm
Kathrin Küster, a PI within our RU, gave a talk on the Isina Meeting at the TU Chemnitz (13-14 March 2024)
14-15 December 2023, PI meeting, MPI Stuttgart
11-15 September 2023: First Retreat meeting with all FOR5242 members in Karlingerhof am Achensee, Austria During this 3-day meeting the status of each of the subprojects was intensively discussed with all PIs and young researchers.
6 July 2023: PI meeting (online).
30-31 March 2023 ISINA conference: Chemnitz University of Technology will be hosting the interdisciplinary symposium ISINA for women in MINT-based fields from 30th March 2023 to 31st March 2023. The event is designed to support the professional and interdisciplinary exchange of young female scientists between natural science and technical subjects.
2-3 February 2023, Meeting with all members of FOR5242 in Göttingen. The program and further details can be found ->here.
21 October 2022: PI meeting. Each PI reported on the progress of his/her project.
30 June - 1 July 2022: PI meting of the FOR5242 in Chemnitz.
7-10 June 2022 PhD- and Postdoc meeting, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic: In order to get people connected, we arrange curently a first meeting for the Phd- and POstdocs of the the FOR5242 to share their latest results and discuss the upcoming experiments. Unless you have not done, please conact Philip Schädlich or Grit Rauscher for further information.
30 March 2022 ISINA conference: Chemnitz University of Technology will be hosting the interdisciplinary symposium ISINA for women in MINT-based fields from 30th March 2022 to 31st March 2022. The event is designed to support the professional and interdisciplinary exchange of young female scientists between natural science and technical subjects. This year's online-event features the motto "digital work - curse or blessing" and includes top-class expert lectures, interesting workshops and an informative panel discussion. For further information please contact -> Maika Filz.
28 January 2022: Kickoff meeting of the FOR5242. This event will take place online from 9am-2pm.
27 January 2022: Gender equality represents a central task for our Research Unit, in which the equality situation and compatibility of studies, career, family and care shall be continuously and sustainably improved by the creation of a suitable infrastructure and support. In a first step we will have an information event of our equal opportunity office with the female scientists working in each of the projects.