Investigating Pb nano structures with a density-functional tight-binding approach - Slater-Koster parameters
A.D. Peña Unigarro, F.S. Günther, S. Gemming, J. Phys. Chem. C , (2025)
Quantum geometry and local moment swapover in correlated graphene heterostructures
N. Witt, S. Ryee, L. Klebl, J. Cano, G. Sangiovanni, T. O. Wehling, arXiv , (2025)
Lithographically-controlled liquid metal diffusion in graphene: Fabrication and magneto-transport signatures of superconductivity
S. Wundrack, M. Bothe, M. Jaime, K. Kuester, M. Gruschwitz, Z. Mamiyev, P. Schaedlich, B. Matta, S. Datta, M. Eckert, C. Tegenkamp, U. Starke, R. Stosch, H.W. Schumacher, T. Seyller, K. Pierz, T. Tschirner, A. Bakin, arXiv , (2025)
Controlling the microscopic quantum pathways for ultrafast charge transfer in van der Waals heterostructures
N. Hofmann, J. Gradl, L. Weigl, S. Forti, C. Coletti, I. Gierz, arXiv , (2025)
Mesoscopic scale study of lateral dynamics of Sn-intercalation of the buffer layer on SiC
B. Harling, Z. Mamiyev, C. Tegenkamp, M. Wenderoth, arXiv , (2025)
Growth dynamics of graphene buffer layer formation on ultra-smooth SiC(0001) surfaces
J. Guse, S. Wundrack, M. Eckert, P. Richter, S. Wolff, N. Tilgner, P. Schädlich, M. Gruschwitz, K. Küster, B. Harling, M. Wenderoth, C. Tegenkamp, T. Seyller, R. Stosch, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, T. Tschirner, arXiv , (2025)
Homogeneous doping of epitaxial graphene by Pb(111) islands: A magnetotransport study
J. Koch, S. Sologub, D. S. Boesler, C. Ghosal, T. Tschirner, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, C. Tegenkamp, arXiv , (2025)
Reversible Switching of the Environment-Protected Quantum Spin Hall Insulator Bismuthene at the Graphene/SiC Interface
N. Tilgner, S. Wolff, S. Soubatch, T.-L. Lee, A. D. P. Unigarro, S. Gemming, F. S. Tautz, C. Kumpf, T. Seyller, F. Göhler, P. Schädlich, ArXiv , (2025)
Observation of Floquet states in graphene
M. Merboldt, M. Schüler, D. Schmitt, J. Philipp Bange, W. Bennecke, K. Gadge, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, D. Momeni, D. Steil, S. R. Manmana, M. Sentef, M. Reutzel, S. Mathias, arXiv , (2025)
Confinement induced strain effects in epitaxial graphene
Z. Mamiyev, N. Balayeva, C. Ghosal, D. R.T. Zahn, C. Tegenkamp, Carbon 234, 120002 (2025)
Pb-intercalated epitaxial graphene on SiC: Full insight into band structure and orbital character of interlayer Pb, and charge transfer into graphene
B. Matta, P. Rosenzweig, K. Küster, C. Polley, U. Starke, arXiv , (2025)
Graphene quantum Hall resistance standard for realizing the unit of electrical resistance under relaxed experimental conditions
Y. Yin, M. Kruskopf, P. Gournay, B. Rolland, M. Götz, E. Pesel, T. Tschirner, D. Momeni, A. Chatterjee, F. Hohls, K. Pierz, H. Scherer, R.J. Haug, H.-W. Schumacher, Phys. Rev. Journals 23, 014025 (2025)
Large-Area Lead Monolayers under Cover: Intercalation, Doping, and Phase Transformation
F. Schölzel, P. Richter, A. David Peña Unigarro, S. Wolff, H. Schwarz, A. Schütze, N. Rösch, S. Gemming, T. Seyller, P. Schädlich, Small Struct. 6, 2400338 (2025)
Complex dynamics in circular and deformed bilayer graphene inspired billiards with anisotropy and strain
L. Seemann, J. Lukin, M. Häßler, S. Gemming, M. Hentschel, arXiv , (2024)
Electronic correlations in epitaxial graphene: Mott states proximitized to a relativistic electron gas
C. Ghosal, S. Ryee, Z. Mamiyev, N. Witt, T.O. Wehling, C. Tegenkamp, arXiv , (2024)
Topological Superconductivity in Heavily Doped Single-Layer Graphene
S. Herrera, G. Parra-Martinez, P. Rosenzweig, B. Matta, C.M. Polley, K. Küster, U. Starke, F. Guinea, J.A. Silva-Guillen, G.G. Naumis, P.A. Pantaleon, ACS Nano , (2024)
Non-equilibrium carrier dynamics and band structure of graphene on 2D tin
M.-E. Federl, N. Witt, B. Yang, N. Hofmann, J. Gradl, L. Weigl, I. Piquero-Zulaica, J.V. Barth, N. Mishra, C. Coletti, T.O. Wehling, I. Gierz, arXiv , (2024)
k-resolved ultrafast light-induced band renormalization in monolayer WS2 on graphene
N. Hofmann, A. Steinhoff, R. Krause, N. Mishra, G. Orlandini, S. Forti, C. Coletti, T.O. Wehling, I. Gierz, arXiv , (2024)
Bi-intercalated epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001)
S. Wolff, M. Hutter, P. Schädlich, H. Yin, M. Stettner, S. Wenzel, F. S. Tautz, F. C Bocquet, T. Seyller, C. Kumpf, New Journal of Physics 26, 103009 (2024)
Exploring Metal-Organic Molecular Beam Epitaxy as an Alternative Pathway towards 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides WSe2 and WS2
A. Schütze, P. Schädlich, T. Seyller, F. Göhler, Small Struct. , 2400306 (2024)
Quantum Hall resistance standards based on epitaxial graphene with p-type conductivity
Y. Yin, M. Kruskopf, S. Bauer, T. Tschirner, K. Pierz, F. Hohls, R. J. Haug, H. W. Schumacher, Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 064001 (2024)
Quenched Pair Breaking by Interlayer Correlations as a Key to Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7
S. Ryee, N. Witt, T.O. Wehling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 096002 (2024)
Transfer doping of epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) using Cs"
F. Göhler, P.Schädlich, N. Rösch, M. Zeißig, T. Seyller, 2D Mater. 11, 025016 (2024)
Transport characteristics of epitaxial graphene proximitized to a 2D Pb interface layer
M. Gruschwitz, T. Güldenpfennig, A. Cordier, C. Ghosal, S. Sologub, C. Tegenkamp, Phys. Rev. 109, 245430 (2024)
Magnetotransport behavior of inhomogeneously doped epitaxial graphene by Bi(110) islands
J. Koch, S. Sologub, C. Ghosal, T. Tschirner, A. Chatterjee, K. Pierz, H.W. Schumacher, C. Tegenkamp, Phys. Rev. B 109, 235107 (2024)
Exploring graphene-substrate interactions: Plasmonic excitation in Sn-intercalated epitaxial graphene
Z. Mamiyev, C. Tegenkamp, 2D Mater. 11, 025013 (2024)
Quasi-Freestanding Graphene via Sulfur Intercalation: Evidence for a Transition State
S. Wolff, N. Tilgner, F. Speck, P. Schädlich, F. Göhler, T. Seyller, Adv. Mat. Interfaces 11, 2300725 (2024)
Morphology of Bi(110) quantum islands on epitaxial graphene
J. Koch, C. Ghosal, S. Sologub, C. Tegenkamp, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 36, 065701 (2024)
Dielectric function of epitaxial quasi-freestanding monolayer graphene on Si-face 6H-SiC in a broad spectral range
K. K. Tikuišis, A. Dubroka, K. Uhlíˇrová, F. Speck, T. Seyller, M. Losurdo, M. Orlita, M. Veis, Phys. Rev. Mater. 7, 044201 (2023)
Determination of the spacing between hydrogen-intercalated quasifreestanding monolayer graphene and 6H-SiC(0001) using total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction
M. Dodenhöft, I. Mochizuki, K. Wada, T. Hyodo, P. Richter, P. Schädlich, T. Seyller, C. Hugenschmidt, Phys. Rev. B 108, 155438 (2023)
Simple extension of the plane-wave final state in photoemission: Bringing understanding to the photon-energy dependence of two-dimensional materials
C. S. Kern, A. Haags, L. Egger, X. Yang, H. Kirschner, S. Wolff, T. Seyller, A. Gottwald, M. Richter, U. De Giovannini, A. Rubio, M. G. Ramsey, F. C. Bocquet, S. Soubatch, F. S. Tautz, P. Puschnig, S. Moser, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033075 (2023)
magnetoARPES: Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy with magnetic field control
S. H. Ryu, G. Reichenbach, C. M. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, Peter Richter, T. Seyller, E. Rotenberg, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 266, 147357 (2023)
Observation of ultrafast interfacial Meitner-Auger energy transfer in a Van der Waals heterostructure
S. Dong , S. Beaulieu, M. Selig, P. Rosenzweig, D. Christiansen, T. Pincelli, M. Dendzik, J.D. Ziegler, J. Maklar, R.P. Xian, A. Neef, A. Mohammed, A. Schulz, M. Stadler, M. Jetter, P. Michler, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, H. Takagi, U. Starke, A. Chernikov, M. Wolf, H. Nakamura, A. Knorr, L. Rettig, R. Ernstorfer, Nat Commun 14, 5057 (2023)
Quantum Confinement in Epitaxial Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons on SiC Sidewalls
T.T. Nhung Nguyen, S. R. Power, H. Karakachian, U. Starke, C. Tegenkamp, ACS Nano 17, 20345-20352 (2023)
Domain Boundary Formation Within an Intercalated Pb Monolayer Featuring Charge-Neutral Epitaxial Graphene
P. Schädlich, C. Ghosal, M. Stettner, B. Matta, S. Wolff, F. Schölzel, P. Richter, M. Hutter, A. Haags, S. Wenzel, Z. Mamiyev, J. Koch, S. Soubatch, P. Rosenzweig, C. Polley, F. S. Tautz, C. Kumpf, K. Küster, U. Starke, T. Seyller, F. C. Bocquet, C. Tegenkamp, Adv. Mat. Interfaces 10, 27 (2023)
Performance and Stability Assessment of Graphene-Based Quantum Hall Devices for Resistance Metrology
A. Chatterjee , M. Kruskopf , M. Götz , Y. Yin , E. Pesel , P. Gournay , B. Rolland , J. Kučera , S. Bauer , K. Pierz, B. Schumacher, H. Scherer, IEEE 72, 1502206 (2023)
Switching between Mott-Hubbard and Hund Physics in Moiré Quantum Simulators
S. Ryee, T. Wehling, Nano Lett. 23, 573-579 (2023)
Pump-induced terahertz anisotropy in bilayer graphene
A. Seidl, R. Anvari, M. M. Dignam, P. Richter, T. Seyller, H. Schneider, M. Helm, S. Winnerl, Phys. Rev. B 105, 085404 (2022)
Vertical structure of Sb-intercalated quasifreestanding graphene on SiC(0001)
Y.-R. Lin, S. Wolff, P. Schädlich, M. Hutter, S. Soubatch, T.-L. Lee, F.S. Tautz, T. Seyller, C. Kumpf, F.C. Bocquet, Physical Review B 106, 155418 (2022)
Ubiquitous defect-induced density wave instability in monolayer graphene
A. C. Qu, P. Nigge, S. Link, G. Levy, M. Michiardi, P. L. Spandar, T. Matthe, M. Schneider, S. Zhdanovich, U. Starke, C. Gutierrez, A. Damascelli, Sci. Adv. 8, eabm5180 (2022)
Surface charge-transfer doping a quantum-confined silver monolayer beneath epitaxial graphene
P. Rosenzweig, H. Karakachian, D. Marchenko, U. Starke, Phys. Rev. B 105 105, 235428 (2022)
Momentum microscopy of Pb-intercalated graphene on SiC: Charge neutrality and electronic structure of interfacial Pb
B. Matta, P. Rosenzweig, O. Bolkenbaas, K. Küster, U. Starke, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023250 (2022)
Tailoring Permanent Charge Carrier Densities in Epitaxial Graphene on SiC by Functionalization with F4-TCNQ
Y. Yin, A. Chatterjee, D. Momeni, M. Kruskopf, M. Götz, S. Wundrack, F. Hohls, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, Adv. Physics Res. 1, 1 (2022)
Impact of Polymer-Assisted Epitaxial Graphene Growth on Various Types of SiC Substrates
A. Chatterjee, M. Kruskopf, S. Wundrack, P. Hinze, K. Pierz, R. Stosch, H. Scherer, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 4, 11, 5317-5325 (2022)
Far-from-Equilibrium Electron–Phonon Interactions in Optically Excited Graphene
M. Düvel, M. Merboldt, J. P. Bange, H. Strauch, M. Stellbrink, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, D. Momeni, D. Steil, G. S. M. Jansen, S. Steil, D. Novko, S. Mathias, M. Reutzel, Nano Lett. 22, 4897–4904 (2022)
Sn intercalation into the BL/SiC(0001) interface: A detailed SPA-LEED investigation
Z. Mamiyev, C. Tegenkamp, Surfaces and Interfaces 34, 102304 (2022)
Proximity-induced gap opening by twisted plumbene in epitaxial graphene
C. Ghosal, M. Gruschwitz, J. Koch, S. Gemming, C. Tegenkamp, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 116802 (2022)
Periodic nanoarray of graphene pn-junctions on silicon carbide obtained by hydrogen intercalation
H. Karkachian, P. Rosenzweig, T.T. Nhung Nguyen, B. Matta, A. A. Zakarov, R. Yakimova, T. Balasubramanian, Z. Mamiyev, C. Tegenkamp, C. M. Polley, U. Starke, Adv. Funct. Mater. 32, 2109839 (2022)
Adsorption and Reaction of PbPc on Hydrogenated Epitaxial Graphene
D. Slawig, M. Gruschwitz, U. Gerstmann, E. Rauls, C. Tegenkamp, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 36 (2021)
Strong localization in weakly disordered epitaxial graphene
D. Slawig, M. Gruschwitz, C. Tegenkamp , Surface Science 707, (2021)
Unraveling the origin of local variations in the step resistance of epitaxial graphene on SiC: a quantitative scanning tunneling potentiometry study
A. Sinterhauf, G. A. Traeger, Davood Momeni b, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, M. Wenderoth , Carbon 184, 463 (2021)
Ultrafast electronic linewidth broadening in the C 1s core level of graphene
D. Curcio, S. Pakdel, K. Volckaert, J. A. Miwa, S. Ulstrup, N. Lanatà, M. Bianchi, D. Kutnyakhov, F. Pressacco, G. Brenner, S. Dziarzhytski, H. Redlin, S. Y. Agustsson, K. Medjanik, D. Vasilyev, H.-J. Elmers, G. Schönhense, C. Tusche, Y.-J. Chen, F. Speck, T. Seyller, K. Bühlmann, R. Gort, F. Diekmann, K. Rossnagel, Y. Acremann, J. Demsar, W. Wurth, D. Lizzit, L. Bignardi, P. Lacovig, S. Lizzit, C. E. Sanders, P. Hofmann, Phys. Rev. B 104, L161104 (2021)
Impact of screening and relaxation on weakly coupled two-dimensional heterostructures
T. T. Nhung Nguyen, T. Sollfrank, C. Tegenkamp, E. Rauls, U. Gerstmann, Phys. Rev. B 103, L201408 (2021)
Surface Transport Properties of Pb-intercalated Graphene
M. Gruschwitz, C. Ghosal, T.-H. Shen, S. Wolff, T. Seyller, C. Tegenkamp, Materials 14, 7706 (2021)
Liquid metal intercalation of epitaxial graphene: Large-area gallenene layer fabrication through gallium self-propagation at ambient conditions
S. Wundrack, D. Momeni, W. Dempwolf, N. Schmidt, K. Pierz, L. Michaliszyn, H. Spende , A. Schmidt, H. W. Schumacher, R. Stosch, and A. Bakin, Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 024006 (2021)
Hydrogen Bonds Control Single Chain Conformation, Crystallinity and Electron Transport in Isoelectronic Diketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymers
Q. Wang, S.V. Lenjani, O. Dolynchuk, A.D. Scaccabarozzi, H. Komber, Y. Guo, F. Günther, S. Gemming, R. Magerle, M. Caironi, M. Sommer, Chem. Mater. 33, 668 (2021)
Hydrogen-Intercalated Graphene on SiC as Platform for Hybrid Superconductor Devices
F. Paschke, T. Birk, S. Forti, U. Starke, M. Fonin, Adv. Quantum Technol. 3, 2000082 (2020)
Onedimensional confinement and width-dependent bandgap formation in epitaxial graphene nanoribbons
H. Karakachian, T. T. Nhung Nyuyen, J. Aprojanz, A. A. Zakharov, R. Yakimova, P. Rosenzweig, C. M. Polley, T. Balasubramanian, C. Tegenkamp, S. R. Power, U. Starke, Nat. Commun. 11, 6380 (2020)
Overdoping graphene beyond the van Hove Singularity
P. Rosenzweig, H. Karakachian, D. Marchenko, K. Küster, U. Starke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 176403 (2020)
Large-area synthesis of a semiconducting silver monolayer via intercalation of epitaxial graphene
P. Rosenzweig, U. Starke, Phys. Rev. B 101, 201407(R) (2020)
Semiconductor to metal transition in two-dimensional gold and its van der Waals heterostack with graphene
S. Forti, S. Link, A. Stöhr, Y. Niu, A. A. Zakharov, C. Coletti, U. Starke, Nat. Commun. 11, 2236 (2020)
Deconfinement of Mott Localized Electrons into Topological and Spin-Orbit-Coupled Dirac Fermions
J. M. Pizarro, S. Adler, K. Zantout, T. Mertz, P. Barone, R. Valentí, G. Sangiovanni, T. O. Wehling, npj Quantum Mater. 5, 1 (2020)
Ab Initio Phonon Self-Energies and Fluctuation Diagnostics of Phonon Anomalies: Lattice Instabilities from Dirac Pseudospin Physics in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
J. Berges, E. G. C. P. van Loon, A. Schobert, M. Rösner, T. O. Wehling, Phys. Rev. B 101, 155107 (2020)
Autocorrected off-axis holography of two-dimensional materials
F. Kern, M. Linck, D. Wolf, N. Alem, H. Arora, S. Gemming, A. Erbe, A. Zettl, B. Büchner, A. Lubk, Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 043360 (2020)
Directionality of metal-induced crystallization and layer exchange in amorphous carbon/nickel thin film stacks
D. Janke, F. Munnik, J. Julin, R. Hübner, J. Grenzer, C. Wüstefeld, S. Gemming, D. Rafaja, M. Krause, J. Carbon 159, 656 (2020)
Direct evidence for efficient ultrafast charge separation in epitaxial WS2/graphene heterostructures
S. Aeschlimann, A. Rossi, M. Chávez-Cervantes, R. Krause, B. Arnoldi, B. Stadtm¨ uller, M. Aeschlimann, S. Forti, F. Fabbri, C. Coletti, I. Gierz, Sci. Adv. 6, eaay0761 (2020)
A comprehensive study of charge transport in Au-contacted Graphene on Ge/Si(001)
A. Sinterhauf, S. Bode, M. Auge, M. Lukosius, G. Lippert, H.C. Hofsäss, M. Wenderoth, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 023104 (2020)
Thickness dependent coherent and incoherent scattering in electronic transport through epitaxial nontrivial Bi quantum films
D. Abdelbarey, J. Koch, Z. Mamiyev, C. Tegenkamp, H. Pfnür, Phys. Rev. B 102, 115409 (2020)
Substrate induced nanoscale resistance variation in epitaxial graphene
A. Sinterhauf, G. A. Traeger, D. M. Pakdehi, P. Schadlich, P. Wilke, F. Speck, T. Seyller, C. Tegenkamp, K. Pierz, H. W. Schumacher, M. Wenderoth, Nat. Commun. 11, 555 (2020)
High mobility epitaxial graphene on Ge/Si(100) substrates
J. Aprojanz, P. Rosenzweig, T.T. Nhung Nguyen, H. Karakachian, K. Küster, U. Starke, M. Lukosius, G. Lippert, A. Sinterhauf, M. Wenderoth, A. A. Zakharov, C. Tegenkamp, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 43065 (2020)
Silicon carbide stacking-order-induced doping variation in epitaxial graphene
A. Sinterhauf, G. A. D. Momeni Pakdehi, P. Schadlich, T. T. N. Nguyen, A. A. Zakharov, S. Wundrack, E. Najafidehaghani, F. Speck, K. Pierz, T. Seyller, C. Tegenkamp, H. W. Schumacher, Adv. Funct. Mater. 30, 2004695 (2020)
Homogeneous Large-Area Quasi-Free-Standing Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene on SiC
D. Momeni Pakdehi, K. Pierz, S. Wundrack, J. Aprojanz, T.T.N. Nguyen, T. Dziomba, F. Hohls, A. Bakin, R. Stosch, C. Tegenkamp, F.J. Ahlers, H.W. Schumacher, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2, 844 (2019)
Internal screening and dielectric engineering in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
J. M. Pizarro, M. Rösner, R. Thomale, R. Valentí, T. O. Wehling, Phys. Rev. B 100, 161102(R) (2019)
Probing interlayer excitons in a vertical van der waals p-n junction using a scanning probe microscopy technique
M. Rahaman, C. Wagner, A. Mukherjee, A. Lopez-Rivera, S. Gemming, D.R.T. Zahn, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 31, 114001 (2019)
Charge Density Wave Melting in One-Dimensional Wires with Femtosecond Subgap Excitation
M. Chávez-Cervantes, G. E. Topp, S. Aeschlimann, R. Krause, S. A. Sato, M. A. Sentef, I. Gierz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 036405 (2019)
Quasi-Freestanding Graphene on SiC(0001) by Ar-Mediated Intercalation of Antimony: A Route Toward Intercalation of High-Vapor-Pressure Elements
S. Wolff, S. Roscher, F. Timmermann, M. V. Daniel, F. Speck, M. Wanke, M. Albrecht, T. Seyller, Ann. Phys. (Berl.) 531, 1900199 (2019)
Epitaxial graphene on 6H-SiC(0001): Defects in SiC investigated by STEM
M. Gruschwitz, H. Schletter, S. Schulze, I. Alexandrou, C. Tegenkamp, Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 094004 (2019)
Charge-transfer transition in Au-induced quantum wires on Si(553)
F. Edler, I. Miccoli, H. Pfnür, C. Tegenkamp, Phys. Rev. B 100, 045419 (2019)
Probing the structural transition from buffer layer to quasifreestanding monolayer graphene by Raman spectroscopy
S. Wundrack, D. Momeni Pakdehi, P. Schadlich, F. Speck, K. Pierz, T. Seyller, H. W. Schumacher, A. Bakin, R. Stosch, Phys. Rev. B 99, 45443 (2019)
Introducing strong correlation effects into graphene by gadolinium intercalation
S. Link, S. Forti, A. Stohr, K. Küster, M. Rosner, D. Hirschmeier, C. Chen, J. Avila, M. C. Asensio, A. A. Zakharov, T. O. Wehling, A. I. Lichtenstein, M. I. Katsnelson, U. Starke, Phys. Rev. B 100, 121407(R) (2019)
Tuning the conductance of a molecular wire by the interplay of donor and acceptor units
D. Skidin, T. Erdmann, S. Nikipar, F. Eisenhut, J. Krüger, F. Günther, S. Gemming, A. Kiriy, B. Voit, D.A. Ryndyk, C. Joachim, F. Moresco, G. Cuniberti, Nanoscale 10, 17131 (2018)
Band structure dynamics in indium wires
M. Chávez-Cervantes, R. Krause, S. Aeschlimann, I. Gierz, Phys. Rev. B 97, 201401 (2018)
Minimum Resistance Anisotropy of Epitaxial Graphene on SiC
D. Momeni Pakdehi, J. Aprojanz, A. Sinterhauf, K. Pierz, M. Kruskopf, P. Willke, J. Baringhaus, J. P. Stockmann, G. A. Traeger, F. Hohls, C. Tegenkamp, M. Wenderoth, F. J. Ahlers, H. W. Schumacher, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 6039 (2018)
Magnetocapacitance and dissipation factor of epitaxial graphene-based quantum Hall effect device
J. Schurr, C.-C. Kalmbach, F. J. Ahlers, F. Hohls, M. Kruskopf, A. Müller, K. Pierz, T. Bergsten, R.J. Haug, Phys. Rev. B 96, 155443 (2017)
AC quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene
F. Lüönd, C.-C. Kalmbach, F. Overney, J. Schurr, B. Jeanneret, A. Müller, M. Kruskopf, K. Pierz, F. Ahlers, IEEE Trans. Instr. and Meas. 66, 1459 (2017)
Chemical and Electronic Repair Mechanism of Defects in MoS2 Monolayers
A. Förster, S. Gemming, G. Seifert, D. Tománek, ACS Nano 11, 9989 (2017)
Ultrafast momentum imaging of pseudospin-flip excitations in graphene
S. Aeschlimann, R. Krause, M. Chávez-Cervantes, H. Bromberger, R. Jago, E. Malic, A. Al-Temimy, C. Coletti, A. Cavalleri, I. Gierz, Phys. Rev. B 96, 020301 (2017)
Enhanced electron-phonon coupling in graphene with periodically distorted lattice
E. Pomarico, M. Mitrano, H. Bromberger, M. A. Sentef, A. Al-Temimy, C. Coletti, A. Stöhr, S. Link, U. Starke, C. Cacho, R. Chapman, E. Springate, A. Cavalleri, I. Gierz, Phys. Rev. B 95, 024304 (2017)
Magnetotransport on the nano scale
P. Willke, T. Kotzott, T. Pruschke, M. Wenderoth, Nat. Commun. 8, 15283 (2017)
Graphene Ribbon Growth on Structured Silicon Carbide
A. Stohr, J. Baringhaus, J. Aprojanz, S. Link, C. Tegenkamp, Y. Niu, A. A. Zakharov, C. Chen, J. Avila, M. C. Asensio, U. Starke, Ann. Phys. (Berl.) 529, 1700052 (2017)
Nonequilibrium mesoscopic conductance fluctuations as the origin of 1/f noise in epitaxial graphene
C. C. Kalmbach, F.J. Ahlers, J. Schurr, A. Müller, J. Feilhauer, M. Kruskopf, K. Pierz, F. Hohls, R.J. Haug, Phys. Rev. B 94, 205430 (2016)
Manifestation of nonlocal electron-electron interaction in graphene
S. Ulstrup, M. Schüler, M. Bianchi, F. Fromm, C. Raidel, T. Seyller, T.Wehling, P. Hofmann, Phys. Rev. B 94, 081403(R) (2016)
High conductivity in molecularly p-doped diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymer: The impact of a high dopant strength and good structural order
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Universality of (2+1)-dimensional restricted solid-on-solid models
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Nickel-enhanced graphitic ordering of carbon ad-atoms during physical vapor deposition
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Local transport measurements in graphene on SiO2 using Kelvin probe force microscopy
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Robust phonon-plasmon coupling in quasi-freestanding graphene on silicon carbide
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Surface state conductivity in epitaxially grown Bi1-xSbx (111) films
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Comeback of epitaxial graphene for electronics: large-area growth of bilayer-free graphene on SiC
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Evidence for superconductivity in Li-decorated monolayer graphene
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Wannier function approach to realistic Coulomb interactions in layered materials and heterostructures
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Carbon p electron ferromagnetism in silicon carbide
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Phonon-Pump Extreme-Ultraviolet-Photoemission Probe in Graphene: Anomalous Heating of Dirac Carriers by Lattice Deformation
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Tracking Primary Thermalization Events in Graphene with Photoemission at Extreme Time Scales
I. Gierz, F. Calegari, S. Aeschlimann, M. Chávez Cervantes, C. Cacho, R.T. Chapman, E. Springate, S. Link, U. Starke, C. R. Ast, A. Cavalleri, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 086803 (2015)
Doping of Graphene by Low-Energy Ion Beam Implantation: Structural, Electronic, and Transport Properties
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Spatial extent of a Landauer residual-resistivity dipole in graphene quantified by scanning tunnelling potentiometry
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Observation of correlated spin-orbit or in a strongly anisotropic quantum wire system
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Ballistic bipolar junctions in chemically gated graphene ribbons
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Buffer layer free graphene on SiC(0001) via interface oxidation in water vapor
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Polarization doping of graphene on silicon carbide
S. Mammadov, J. Ristein, R. J. Koch, M. Ostler, C. Raidel, M. Wanke, R. Vasiliauskas, R. Yakimova. T. Seyller, 2D Mater. 1, 035003 (2014)
Exceptional ballistic transport in epitaxial graphene nanoribbons
J. Baringhaus, M. Ruan, F. Edler, A. Tejeda, M. Sicot, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, A.-P. Li, Z. Jiang, E. H. Conrad, C. Berger, C. Tegenkamp, W. A. de Heer, Nature 506, 349 (2014)
Optimal Hubbard Models for Materials with Nonlocal Coulomb Interactions: Graphene, Silicene, and Benzene
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Direct growth of quasi-free-standing epitaxial graphene on nonpolar SiC surfaces
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Snapshots of non-equilibrium Dirac carrier distributions in graphene
I. Gierz, J. C. Petersen, M. Mitrano, C. Cacho, I. C. E. Turcu, E. Springate, A. Stohr, A. Köhler, U. Starke, A. Cavalleri, Nat. Mater. 12, 1119 (2013)
Origin of doping in quasi-freestanding graphene on silicon carbide
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Ambipolar doping in quasi-free epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) controlled by Ge intercalation
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Strength of Effective Coulomb Interactions in Graphene and Graphite
T. O. Wehling, E. Şaşioğlu, C. Friedrich, A. I. Lichtenstein, M. I. Katsnelson, S. Blügel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 236805 (2011)
Long-range Kondo signature of a single magnetic impurity
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The quasi-free-standing nature of graphene on H-saturated SiC(0001)
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Highly p-doped epitaxial graphene obtained by fluorine intercalation
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Plasmon electron-hole resonance in epitaxial graphene
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Charge neutrality and band-gap tuning of epitaxial graphene on SiC by molecular doping
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Orbitally controlled Kondo effect of Co adatoms on graphene
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Electronic decoupling of an epitaxial graphene monolayer by gold intercalation
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A versatile high resolution scanning tunneling potentiometry implementation
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Quasi-free standing epitaxial graphene layers on SiC by hydrogen intercalation
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Atomic Hole Doping of Graphene
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